Sunday, November 1, 2015

30 Days of Thanks!

I can't believe yesterday was Halloween and today begins the countdown to Thanksgiving and then Christmas!  Each year seems to go by quicker than the last.  

Today was a lazy day at home after a busy Halloween.  My sweet husband made it a point to tell the kids that we would be watching the New York Marathon instead of the normal Disney Channel all morning.  Surprisingly, there weren't any complaints and Mini Me actually sat and watched with me, choosing which runners were her favorites to win.  

We both sat and watched in awe of how effortless the elite runners make it look. We watched as the first wave of "normal" runners started and I felt that lump in my throat as the screen filled with men & women pumping their arms, waving and jumping in front of the camera, all with HUGE smiles on their faces.  The commentator said two very profound things during this portion of the live coverage:

First, he mentioned the smiles...... they would be the same smiles we would see cross the finish line but for a much different reason.  
At the beginning, it's the excitement of finally stepping up to the starting line you have trained so hard to get to.  At the finish line, that smile is for the last 26.2 miles, you have accomplished something that only 1% of the population has.  You have seen your body pushed beyond its limits, in pain & not sure it can go on. 

Second, he said this & I'm paraphrasing, "the race is run at the front with the elites but the marathon is run in the middle & back of the pack".  So true!  For most of us, we will never run a marathon to win.  We run because we love it.  I'm not saying the elites don't but if the majority of runners only did it for the win, there would be a lot fewer than 1%!  I really appreciated that the acknowledgement.

While we finished watching, I thought about yesterday and the fact that I had the great pleasure of watching IVZ race a 5k.  This wasn't her first but up until yesterday, all of the previous races we have done together, I have been running too.  I have focused on my race and been there at the finish line when she came across.  Yesterday, I didn't run but walked the course so I was able to see her as she ran the 2nd have of the race.  I saw the effort she was putting in and was able to cheer and encourage her.  I even snapped a quick picture.

I could not have been more proud of her!  She ran it in 28:11 which is a 9:05 min/mile and good for 2nd Place!  This was her day and I was so happy to share in it with her.  

So since its the first of November, I decided that I am going to do a daily post with what I am most thankful for over the next 30 days.  

And surprise, surprise today, I am thankful for her and a shared hobby!  This may not be her first passion, that will always be soccer but she does appreciate running and wants to continue racing and do it together.  For that, I am thankful and will support her for as long as she'll let me.

As for my injury, I'm at the halfway point and trying to be patient......

Wish me luck!  

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