Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Open the Eyes of My Heart...


Am I the only person that can still be moved and amazed by the message in a homily?  Probably not but I really can't put into words how today's homily at mass moved me.  In the gospel reading, Baritmaeus receives his sight through Jesus' healing.  Father went on to explain that Baritmaeus was a true follower.  He described Jesus as a superstar and people wanted to be near him, to follow him but didn't truly understand what it meant to follow.  Father asked the kids if Jesus asked them what they wanted from him, what would they ask for.  That struck a chord with me.  What would I ask of the Lord?

Another analogy Father used to explain his point was a story about a man that climbed a mountain to visit & learn from a wise man.  The wise man served the visitor tea and while he was pouring the cup, he didn't notice that the cup was overflowing onto the floor.  The visitor finally stopped the wise man, pointing out that the cup was full and he was spilling.  The wise man explained that the visitor's mind was like the cup, it was so full that nothing the wise man could tell him would fit.  The point......empty your mind, be open. 

I may not have heard what I wanted yesterday at the doctor but as I sat in the examine room waiting to see the doctor, I prayed.  I prayed and promised to do whatever I was told.  I have another stress reaction.  So I will rest and stay off my leg as much as possible and be thankful for the opportunity to do things right.  And when I have been fitted with my custom orthotics and am cleared to run again, we'll see where my road leads.

At the end of mass the choir sang the recessional hymn and it was perfect......

Open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see You!

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