Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 12 of Thanks

We have all heard this before.  I even say this to my kids quite often but yesterday this really sunk in for me.  

I reached out to a friend that has been telling me since I met him that I should be swimming.  It would help my running and its no impact so reduces injuries.  I laughed each time, joking that I would drown and the only stroke I knew was the dog paddle.

Well this week I told him he won and I needed help.  In order to give my training any hope, I felt that I needed to do something while I work on my ankle and build the miles back up. 

We met in the morning and he guided me through.  He didn't sugar coat anything, didn't coddle just told me to put my face in the water and swim.  I complained A LOT and I venture to say it was the longest 40 minutes of his life!

So on the 12th day of November, I am thankful for the patience of a friend.  

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