Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 30 of Thanks

Whew......I'm thankful I made it through.  I didn't always post an individual "thanks" but I did give thanks for each day this month.

I am truly thankful for the opportunity to reflect on the things that I am thankful for.  I didn't even begin to skim the surface though.  I think it would take a year or more to give thanks to all the blessings in my life.

I started today off with another swim and I have to admit, it is getting easier and I may even have caught myself smiling!  After a weekend of rain and not completing my training runs, it was nice to start the week off with a fresh start.  

Tomorrow is the first day of the last month of 2015 and it will blow by.  I will blink and it will be the new year and I'll be wondering what's in store for me.  But tonight as I lay down to sleep, I'm going to say my prayers and thank God for everyone that touches my life.  When I wake up tomorrow to start the day, I will take a deep breath and try to remember to live each day fully and not worry about what lies ahead.  One step at a time, one day at a time, one run at a time!

Thank you for continuing to check in and supporting me!
Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 29 of Thanks

Thankful for a lazy day in pjs finishing the tree decorations before the week starts!  Let the cookie baking begin!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Days 23-28 of Thanks

Another post of multiple days of thanks!

Day 23 - Thankful for two women I have had the pleasure of getting to know through Vacation Bible School.  We have formed a small bible study group and they are so much more knowledgeable than I but VERY patient as I work through understanding my faith and things that don't come as easy to me.

Day 24 - Thankful my mom!  She is always there ready to see the humor in things I don't.  To remind me to laugh at myself and not take things so seriously.  When it comes to her family, her love for us is fierce and she loves her grandkids beyond measure.

Day 25 - Thankful for a wonderful day spent with my family.  My mother in law and a very special person in her life came for Thanksgiving.  We spent the morning shopping and the afternoon taking Dave to the Book Store Depository for the JFK tour.  It was a great day spent getting to know him.

Day 26 - Happy Thanksgiving!  So much to say thanks for....Started the day with a few of my Running Club kids.  It was so fun watching them race and see how far they have come since the start of the school year.  Thankful for a great friend that paced me through the race and for a wonderful husband that served as team photographer again this year.

Thankful for the wonderful meal (although turkey is not my favorite).  My dad even said my stuffing was the best I've ever made.  (Thanks Dad for the sweet lie, love him)

Day 27 - Thankful for the calm nature of my husband.  When we realized the night before that our fridge and dishwasher were going to need to be replaced, he just rolled with it.  He was up and at Lowe's at 5:30 on Black Friday, scoping out the deals and sending model numbers to me for research before we made our purchases.  And to top it off, had to run to Hobby Lobby in the pouring rain to buy a new Christmas tree.  I was just going to deal with a tree that only half the lights were lit but his response, "You said you wanted a bigger tree, so let's go get you one!"  Love this man to the moon and back. 

Day 28 - Thankful for a reprieve in the rain so that I could sneak in a 6 mile run.  Thanks to my running partner again for keeping an eye on the weather and texting out a call to run!  

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Days 18 - 22 of Thanks

This pretty much sums up the last 5 days.  Since Tuesday's storm, its been a whirlwind week.  IVZ was my running partner on my first track workout back from injury.  She warmed me up and cooled me down.  The best part......she looked at me when we finished and said, "Good job Mom"!  

I swam 3 days this week and actually felt like I was getting the hang of it!  I even got a friend that's been battling an injury to come out and join me.

Saturday morning saw our first cold spell and the wind was brutal!  I was thankful for a friend that packed an extra hat and gloves so I didn't freeze and for a group that may all be at different levels of injury but we are still out there supporting each other through whatever distance we can make.

IVZ had a soccer tournament with a new group of girls and they had a great showing.  I'm thankful for a great club & coach that keep things in perspective.  

I'm thankful for Sundays & the opportunity to worship and thank the Lord for all that he has provided for me and my family, even as undeserving as we are.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 17 of Thanks

Today I am thankful for my family.  That we are all together safe and under one roof.  After last night's storms and a day of cleaning up and assessing the damage, we have a lot to be thankful for.  The Lord was watching over us.  The damage could have been so much worse.  

Kids enjoying the fallen tree before its removal

Day 16 of Thanks

Yesterday I was home with IVZ as she was sick.  I think her busy weekend wore her down.  I was a little surprised to get a phone call about 2:30 telling me JVZ, who was on a field trip, was sick with a migraine and would I mind picking him up so he didn't need to ride on a bus back to school.  

As I headed out to get him I let the school know I'd be late to pick up AVZ as a result.  As soon as I knew he'd be taken care of, off I sped to get my oldest.  My phone rang again asking if I would give permission to one of the teacher's to drive him back in her car and she would meet me at school.  Yes, please & thank you!

We are VERY blessed to have so many wonderful teachers in our life!  Teachers do not get enough credit most days but I try to make sure they know how much we appreciate them.  They didn't have to call me, they could have asked the school office to call.  They didn't have to sit outside with him while he fought waves of nausea and they certainly didn't need to put him in their personal vehicle not knowing whether he would be sick again or not!

These are not just teachers but friends!  I am thankful for each and every one of them.  They are the real super heroes in this world!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking such good care of the 3 most important pieces of my heart!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Days 14 & 15 of Thanks

What a weekend!  I am thankful for a full weekend spent watching IVZ do what she loves.  We spent the whole weekend together on the soccer field!  Sunday saw the end of the tournament for her team.  She was exhausted and all she wanted to do was curl up and watch movies with her mom.  I know these days are coming to an end sooner than I would like but I'm thankful for the days I have left.

Reminded me of afternoons spent watching musicals with my mom!  Some of my best memories!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 13 of Thanks

I'm thankful today for my oldest as he was my saving grace today!  I came home from a morning in Dallas and stuck in traffic with a headache like I haven't had in a LONG time!  I had to phone a friend to pick up the kids from school & when they got home, JVZ immediately went into caregiver mode.  He made me eat toast & applesauce and drink water.  

He must have listened all those times he or one of his siblings were ill and I made them hydrate and eat small meals.  

I am truly blessed by his kind and caring heart!  He mended me back to health.

Day 12 of Thanks

We have all heard this before.  I even say this to my kids quite often but yesterday this really sunk in for me.  

I reached out to a friend that has been telling me since I met him that I should be swimming.  It would help my running and its no impact so reduces injuries.  I laughed each time, joking that I would drown and the only stroke I knew was the dog paddle.

Well this week I told him he won and I needed help.  In order to give my training any hope, I felt that I needed to do something while I work on my ankle and build the miles back up. 

We met in the morning and he guided me through.  He didn't sugar coat anything, didn't coddle just told me to put my face in the water and swim.  I complained A LOT and I venture to say it was the longest 40 minutes of his life!

So on the 12th day of November, I am thankful for the patience of a friend.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Day 11 of Thanks

Happy Veteran's Day!

Today my thanks goes out to all past & present service men and women but especially to my favorite veteran, my Dad!  He sacrificed so much for not only his country but for his family to provide a better life for us.  He is an amazingly strong man who always puts his family first, loves his grandchildren fiercely and has always been my biggest cheerleader!

Love you Dad & thank you for everything!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 10 of Thanks

Eek!  Today I have to tell you a secret, I've been running!  Now don't get upset, I have been running with approval and its only been twice.  I finally agreed to see a Chiropractor and had my second session today.  After the appointment, I went for a run and had a smile on my face the whole time.  People that I passed probably thought I was crazy!

As I was finishing my run, I had to run around a woman sitting in the middle of the trail  I didn't know what she was doing at first but as I came closer I could see that she was drawing with chalk.  It seemed perfect to finish a great run with this beautiful piece of art in progress.

Today, I am thankful for a beautiful fall day, the ability to run after just a few chiropractic appointments and to finish it with a view of this and its powerful message.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 7, 8 & 9 of Thanks

Well, I didn't promise that I would be prompt on my daily doses of thankfulness or did I?  Anyway, the weekend as usual was very busy so when I think of what I am thankful for over the past three days, here they are:


This is HUGE for me!  I am so thankful for the grace to be forgiven.  I don't deserve it, I have no right to ask for it so when I receive forgiveness I truly want to be better for that person.


The last few days have been spent together as a family but also with friends.  I love that we have close friends that not just the kids are friends but the parents are too.  

Growing in Faith

My parents did such a good job bringing my brother & I up in the Catholic faith and set a wonderful example.  I always knew this but today while finishing up a lesson in my bible study it really hit home how much they tried to integrate the faith into everything we did.  The study guide gave examples of ways, daily, to continue your spiritual growth and those that were listed are things I did as a kid and continue to do with my own children to this day.  Thanks Mom & Dad

I'm also thankful that I have found a study that truly challenges me and leaves me wanting more.  For the ladies that have formed a small group to discuss our studies and have the patience with me as a work through thoughts that I just can't seem to get.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 6 of Thanks

I seem to always be a day late with my thankful post but last night's was for good reason.  I spent a long over do night out with this lady and got home way past my bed time!  

This wonderful woman has been by my side through thick & thin.  She is my support, cheerleader, shoulder to lean on, ear to listen, person to laugh with.  When I am getting to serious, she's there to make sure I laugh at myself and if I need it, she's the first in line to give me a swift kick in the rear!

She is my person and for that I am thankful.  Its a hard job for sure!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 5 of Thanks

Today was Running Club!  The weather forecast all week called for 100% chance of rain.  Luke's Locker, our local running store, was scheduled to visit and time our run.  We were all super excited and praying for the weather to hold off.

I am thankful for 25 minutes of light sprinkles, for kids that despite the downpour at the end just wanted to do one more lap and for volunteers that kept encouraging and cheering.  

I could not have imagined, 3 years ago, how much this group would mean to me.  I look forward to Thursdays and seeing their progress and the pure joy on the faces of every kid.

Today I am thankful for the SJS Running Club!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Days 3 & 4 of Thanks

For some reason yesterday got away from me and posting so today I'll double up.  First, my oldest is someone I am thankful everyday for!  His faith has always amazed me but he completely threw me for a loop yesterday on our way home from school.  He was explaining an assignment he was given in his religion class.  He had to identify a religious figure & someone he knows that is a faithful person & list ways that he can learn from them both.   I was completely shocked when he told me that I was the person he picked.  I asked him why he picked me & his response, "Mom you live your faith everyday".  Proud Mom moment needless to say.  I'm so thankful for his kind heart that believes in me.

Pope Pius, JVZ & Me - Puppets for the assignment

And then there's this kid......I am so thankful for his silliness, his laughter, his heart and his bravery to be who he is.  He was the most adorable priest this morning in mass and didn't hesitate when asked if he would wear it.

I am one lucky & thankful lady to have these two boys call me Mom.


Monday, November 2, 2015

Day Two of Thanks

I am thankful for this guy!  After a busy weekend with a testy wife, my husband understands & gets me.  He knows this lack of running is wearing on my nerves and came home to help with dinner, homework and bedtime routines.  And thank goodness he did!  Homework was a chore tonight for our little guy and IVZ just needed a little more support than usual.  

JVZ did a great job assisting with the creation of a robot made out of a box and helped with the glue and tape as needed.  

Sometimes I forget to tell him how thankful I am for his patience, understanding and support.  

Sunday, November 1, 2015

30 Days of Thanks!

I can't believe yesterday was Halloween and today begins the countdown to Thanksgiving and then Christmas!  Each year seems to go by quicker than the last.  

Today was a lazy day at home after a busy Halloween.  My sweet husband made it a point to tell the kids that we would be watching the New York Marathon instead of the normal Disney Channel all morning.  Surprisingly, there weren't any complaints and Mini Me actually sat and watched with me, choosing which runners were her favorites to win.  

We both sat and watched in awe of how effortless the elite runners make it look. We watched as the first wave of "normal" runners started and I felt that lump in my throat as the screen filled with men & women pumping their arms, waving and jumping in front of the camera, all with HUGE smiles on their faces.  The commentator said two very profound things during this portion of the live coverage:

First, he mentioned the smiles...... they would be the same smiles we would see cross the finish line but for a much different reason.  
At the beginning, it's the excitement of finally stepping up to the starting line you have trained so hard to get to.  At the finish line, that smile is for the last 26.2 miles, you have accomplished something that only 1% of the population has.  You have seen your body pushed beyond its limits, in pain & not sure it can go on. 

Second, he said this & I'm paraphrasing, "the race is run at the front with the elites but the marathon is run in the middle & back of the pack".  So true!  For most of us, we will never run a marathon to win.  We run because we love it.  I'm not saying the elites don't but if the majority of runners only did it for the win, there would be a lot fewer than 1%!  I really appreciated that the acknowledgement.

While we finished watching, I thought about yesterday and the fact that I had the great pleasure of watching IVZ race a 5k.  This wasn't her first but up until yesterday, all of the previous races we have done together, I have been running too.  I have focused on my race and been there at the finish line when she came across.  Yesterday, I didn't run but walked the course so I was able to see her as she ran the 2nd have of the race.  I saw the effort she was putting in and was able to cheer and encourage her.  I even snapped a quick picture.

I could not have been more proud of her!  She ran it in 28:11 which is a 9:05 min/mile and good for 2nd Place!  This was her day and I was so happy to share in it with her.  

So since its the first of November, I decided that I am going to do a daily post with what I am most thankful for over the next 30 days.  

And surprise, surprise today, I am thankful for her and a shared hobby!  This may not be her first passion, that will always be soccer but she does appreciate running and wants to continue racing and do it together.  For that, I am thankful and will support her for as long as she'll let me.

As for my injury, I'm at the halfway point and trying to be patient......

Wish me luck!