Sunday, October 4, 2015

Taking advice from a classic

Here we go again!  Week 1 of training started this past Monday for the 2016 Houston Marathon.  This will be my next and 3rd attempt to qualify and check off that pesky Boston Marathon off my bucket list.

It has taken all week to put my thoughts together and I'm still struggling to sort them out but the one phrase that continues to run through my mind is a quote from the latest movie version of Cinderella...."Have Courage, and Be Kind".

This first week went well and I feel pretty good.  There weren't any pace goals & no speed work so a pretty normal running week of me.  I went for a little longer run than was scheduled today.  I have some friends training for a half marathon in 2 weeks.  I asked to join them on their long runs a few weeks back and they keep asking me back, so I ran their scheduled 12 miles with them.  We had a great run. The weather was gorgeous with ideal temperatures.  They are ready and will have a fantastic race!

Back to what I believe will be my mantra for this round of training.  I am no Cinderella but I'd like to believe that I am kind and that its courage that keeps me striving to achieve my goals.  Not just courage to achieve my goals but courage to seek kindness and light in a sometimes dark world.

I'll keep you posted.  Wish me luck!

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