Sunday, June 22, 2014

Workouts checked off the list....

This past week of training was one where you just check the workouts of the "to do" list each day.  For the past 3 years, I have coordinated Vacation Bible School and this past week was "prep week".  I pretty much lived at church during the day making sure we had decorations being created, supplies gathered and volunteers assigned to jobs for next week.  I love doing this every year but it is a lot of work and leaves little time for anything else.

Here is what the week's running schedule looked like:
Monday - Strength & stretch:  check, went to CG (bootcamp) at 5:30 am
Tuesday - Track workout, 10x400s at 5K pace:  check, met the girls on the track at 5 am
Wednesday - 5 miles: check, ran in the evening
Thursday - 3 miles + strength: check (sort of), did the strength part (CG, 5:15) but no running
Friday - 3 miles at pace: check, ran before CG at 5am
Saturday - 12 miles:  check

So I missed one scheduled run and those that I did do were just checked off the list.  Saturday's 12 mile run was tough.  At our first water stop, 2 miles in, we all commented on how we felt like we had just stepped out of the shower.  We were drenched with sweat already.  It was very muggy.  The last 2 miles, my right hamstring was not happy with me.  I really need to get the foam roller out & focus on my muscles.  Like some many things that I should do for myself, I keep saying as soon as things slow down I'll take some time.  Hmmm, I wonder when that will happen....

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