Monday, June 30, 2014

Jalapeño Half - First in the Summer Triple Play

I feel like this summer is flying by.  I have to first start out describing my non-running part of last week.  Notice that I didn't post at all.  I was completely exhausted, both physically and mentally every night but I couldn't have been happier.  It was Vacation Bible School week.  All the planning of the last several months & decorating done last week , we were ready for 145 kids.  I love this week and it went by so fast.  Yes, I was teary eyed on Friday as we danced our last dance.  Like the kid's favorite song of the week, "Don't know where I'd be without you....... "

Here is a peek at the fun we had.  The littlest clown is mine.

Parade Around the Our Father

Now to the running part of the week. It was a light week because I raced the first of 3 half marathons in a summer series put on by Mellew Productions. It was going to be the first test of whether or not  training in the heat & humidity is paying off.  Keep in mind we have not hit 100 degrees yet.  Apparently it is the first time in 7 years that we haven't seen 100 degrees in June but I'm telling you it has still been hot and definitely humid.  

Saturday morning came with a thickness in the air.  Race time was 7:30.  This was well over 2 hours past when I would have normally started my long run on a Saturday.  I was nervous about how I was going to fare.  I decided not to wear my Camelback because I don't plan to run the marathon with it, so I prayed there would be enough water stops along the course.  The start was delayed so I didn't have my watch set to start as I thought they would give us a countdown.  Nope, the start of the race consisted of, "Ready, Set, Go!"  What the what?!  Not a good start, I had to step to the side while my watch found the satellite and started.  

I am glad I didn't look at the course ahead of time.  I probably would have bailed if I had.  The course was the 2nd half of the Cowtown Marathon course.  Yikes!  I kept telling myself, "its just another training run."  On the positive side, I wasn't as delirious as I thought I had been in February because things looked familiar but it also meant that I remembered each corner I had to stop at to stretch, walk & cry.  I kept plugging away, ticking off each mile, my right hamstring feeling each one.  My pace started out at about an 8:30 then slowed to 9:00, maybe even a 9:30 through the middle of the course and then back up for the last portion (can you say, I just wanted to be done!).

The official finish time was 1:56:51.  Not my best time but I'll take it.  Under 2 hour finish in the heat....I was completely satisfied.  And.......
3rd place finish in my age group!

Maybe my training is paying off.....
We'll see, marathon training officially begins tomorrow.

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