Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Sole Sisters

This expresses my run this morning perfectly!  I completely my scheduled 11 miles with an 8:33 pace.  I am very happy with it but it is/was definitely my soul that kept me going when my body told me to quit.

It hasn't always been my soul though...

My oldest son, J was born in 2003 and before he was born I hadn't laced up a pair of running shoes since high school.  In an effort to help me get the "baby fat" off, my best girlfriend, Jill asked me to start walking in the mornings with her.  Walking lead to running & a few 5Ks.  I really looked forward to those mornings when we could talk about anything & everything.  When you're running, its inevitable that you show the less attractive side, the side that sweats, stinks, makes noises you save for the privacy of your own home but also allows you to feel an acceptance to be who you are & say what is on your mind without judgment. Jill & I have had a lot of good conversations through running.  She may not run with me anymore but she is still part of my support system.  She's been at the finish line with congratulations when I've met a goal & other times with a shoulder to cry on when the race didn't go as planned.

Somewhere along the way, our twosome became a threesome.  Kelli joined us one more morning and talked the whole time.  I thought, how does one person have so much energy this early in the morning.  She kept us going with her stories and those stories have carried me through many a race.  One of our greatest moments has been we crossed the finish line of the San Antonio Rock N Roll Half Marathon together in 1:58:16.  Our goal was sub 2 hours!  Her words to me with 1 mile left, "we can do anything for 1 mile".  Another famous Kelli quote, "At nothin but a 5k" after running 10 miles".  She ran me in the last 6 miles of my 2nd marathon & was there waiting to prop me up when I crossed the finish line this past February at Cowtown, along with who would become our foursome, Sue.

While our schedules, goals & daily lives may keep us from running together regularly, these are my sole sisters!  They keep me going when I want to give up.  With great friends to support me, how can I not achieve my goal!!!!

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