Monday, September 8, 2014

Quiet the voices!

Today I have doubt!  I added something to my plate 2 weeks ago and I am struggling to manage it all.  I am my own worst enemy when it comes to taking on too much.  As a result, my mind is constantly racing, I can't remember what I set out to do & at the end of the day I feel like I have accomplished nothing.

Last week was an "easy" week as far as the running schedule and I think my mind (as usual) thought I could handle whatever was on tap for this week.  Well, it's Monday & I am overwhelmed and disappointed already.  

My plan today was to drop the kids off & head out for my speed work.  As any mother knows, kids inevitably don't always make your best laid plans reality.  "I" was sick this morning which meant no run for me.  With her home, I couldn't stay focused on doing what needed to be done for the day.  As the voices started to crowd my every thought, I became more overwhelmed.  

Have I mentioned, I'm a stress eater!  Not a good day on that front either.  As any sane person would do, I talked to myself, identifying my need to get out and pound the pavement. So with the kids fed, bathed & left to finish homework, I hit the track.  Remember, I stress ate today.....

So there I was, 6:45pm, high 90s starting my run that I knew I didn't have time to complete but wanted to get at least half of the scheduled 10x1000s done.  I warmed up for 2 miles and started my first 1000m.  I literally could feel myself about to get sick!  Again, the voices, I wasn't going to make it, what was I thinking I could train like this AND qualify for Boston.  Why can't I EVER say NO!  I quit the run after only 2.64 miles.  Pathetic!

My hope was a run would clear my head & in some respect it did.  I know there will be tough days and probably be frequent at this point in my training but I made a commitment and intend to see it through, voices be damned!

The debate my inner voices are having now is whether or not to attempt the workout again tomorrow after going to boot camp.  Hmmmm, I'll keep you posted.

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