Sunday, August 14, 2016

Refreshed and Ready!

Its been 8 months.  I didn't realize how long its been since I last posted but it was a much needed break.  I've been running but just for the fun of it.  No pressure to run a particular distance or pace.  

It was on a recent, no pressure run that the discussion, as it always does, turned to Boston.  The group was discussing how many of us were registered again for the half marathon in Houston this coming January and that I wouldn't run another full marathon until 2018.  I would be in the next age bracket then, gaining 10 minutes to the qualifying time.  A comment was made that if I did run 26.2 in 2017 my qualifying time would be for my age in 2018.  Confused?  Well, I was too, so I looked it up and here's what I found.

So, after some discussion with J, I transferred to the full marathon in Houston, January 2017, hired a running coach and just finished week 2 of training!  I've got a long road ahead of me but I'm excited.  My training goals are to be patient, smart and stay injury free.  

Notice I said patient first!  This is a daily struggle for me but one that I know God continues to put before me to make me stronger.  After all, its a marathon not a sprint!

Wish me luck!