Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seeing is Believing....

First of all, this post is so late!  I can't believe that in ONE week I'll be getting on a plane bound for Minnesota and my goal of a qualifying for Boston.  Didn't I just start training for this thing?!  I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about this!!!!  I may just grab a backpack and start running North on I-35 straight to MN today!  NOT!!!!

So here's where I'm at this week.  I read somewhere (probably Runner's World) that you need to visualize the course, the finish line, the time clock.....ALL of it!  So, that's what I have been doing.  Every time I lace up my shoes and head out the door, I see myself on the course.  I have paid attention this past week to how my pace feels.  I see the finish line and myself crossing it into a puddle of emotions as my determination has paid off and I have met my goal.

I have to be honest though, I've never been an overly confident person, so this is kinda hard.  Those inner voices have a funny way of sneaking in the self doubt, telling me it isn't right to be confident, to not get cocky.  This is where I rely on my faith.  The Lord has shown me that I am strong, I can endure and when I put my trust in him I can accomplish my goals.

So my friends, for the next week I have pictures of my finish time where I can see it, I have changed my Facebook pictures so I am constantly reminded!  Please say a prayer for me that when I am tired, when I feel pain (because I will) that I focus on the finish.  I don't want to regret!

Wish me luck!  Get ready Mankato, I'm coming!

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