Hard to believe but its been a month since my last post and if feels like even longer since I have felt healthy. I'm still here though! Physical Therapy has officially ended with one session in reserve in case I need it.
When I was realized to run, I think I ran a whole 4 miles for the week. Pathetic, I know but its just the way it worked out. The next week I promised myself to run more and get back to adding on the miles. Well, I got sick & when I say sick, I mean REALLY sick. My family didn't know what to do with me. For a solid week I did nothing but sleep and when I wasn't sleeping, I was a blob on the couch moaning about how miserable I was. I'm not sure anyone ate that week, it is pretty much a blur!
Let me back up to where I think this started and laugh if you must. Shake your head and roll your eyes because you think I'm crazy but yoga made me sick! All the advice to try yoga to help stretch my muscles and help my recovery led me to purchase a few (10 to be exact) sessions at a local studio (is that what you call it?). I went for my first class with a friend & honestly enjoyed the class until the end where we had to relax. Hard to believe, I know but I couldn't relax my mind. It was filled with all the things I had to do. Anyway, the next morning I went for a run and felt my pounding head and the pressure of my sinuses the entire time. Sinus Infection-1/Hillarie-0!
Fast forward to the next week and I felt a little better so I tried the same class again. I love the instructor, she is hilarious, making fun of what I couldn't do as a runner, helping to show my the proper form, etc. I felt great. About midnight, I was awakened by excruciating pain in my ear! When I say I was in pain, I mean pain unlike I've ever felt and I am the mother of three; two of which were born naturally with no pain medication, so I know pain. Welcome to an outer infection! I apologize to all children whose parents have EVER said you're fine, the pain isn't that bad! I'm saying this because I may or may not have said this to my own children. Another week of running down the drain!
I'm happy to say that this week, as far as running was concerned, was much better. I'm still not 100% as far as the ear infection & when people talk to me, they sound like they have been sucking on helium but I could not sit around for another week. So, I've run a total of 22 miles & it felt great. My speed has been affected but no problem. I'll get it back.
Next week is Cowtown and while I'm not running any of the big races, I am running with my kids from the school Running Club in the 5K and looking forward to seeing them accomplish this goal. They have been working so hard & I'm so proud of them.
Wish them luck!